The meeting of the Evaluation Committee for the ECCOMAS Award for the Best PhD Theses 2008 was held on May 4th, 2009 at CIMNE, Barcelona. As an answer to the call for tender, 14 theses were nominated by the ECCOMAS member associations. The Evaluation Committee was composed by N.E. Wiberg (chairman), G. Maier, H. Deconinck, R. Rannacher and P. Díez (secretary).

After a detailed discussion, a secret voting was held in two phases. First, after a secret voting the number of thesis was reduced from 14 to 6. Then the committee ranked the 6 theses evaluating the different aspects of each and unanimously agreed on selecting 2 out of these 6 theses as the winners.

The two winners are:

  • Dr. Stéphanie Chaillat (France) for the thesis “Fast Mulitipole Method for 3D Elastodyanamic Boundary Integral Equations. Application to Seismic Wave Propagation
  • Dr. Tomasz Koziara (UK) for the thesis “Aspects of Computational Contact Dynamics

These theses are outstanding works in Computational Methods combining excellent knowledge of both theory and practice.

All nominees will be recognized by a special diploma that will be sent directly to the candidate.

The list of finalists selected by the local-regional ECCOMAS Association is the following:

Author Title of the Thesis Association Country
Swantje Bargmann Theory and Numerics of Non-Classical Thermo-Hyperelasticity GACM Germany
Mark Clyne An Elliptic-Parabolic Coastal Wave Model Incorporating Shorelines af Varying Curvature Using Tensors and Incorporating Breaking with Recovery Using Rays ISSEC Ireland
Stéphanie Chaillat Fast Mulitipole Method for 3D Elastodyanamic Boundary Integral Equations. Application to Seismic Wave Propagation CSMA France
César Miguel de Almeida Vasques Vibration Control of Adaptative Structures. Modeling Simulation and Implementation of Viscoelastic and Piezoelectric Damping Technologies. APMTAC Portugal
Davide Fransos Stochastic Numerical Models for Wind Engineering AIMETA Italy
Eran Grosu  The Discontinuous Enrichment Method for Three-Dimensional Acoustics IACMM Israel
Juan Vicente Gutiérrez Santacreu Numerical Analysis of Some Coupled Differential Models in Fluid Mechanics SEMA Spain
Salvador Izquierdo Estallo Computational Gas Dynamics with the Lattice Boltzmann Method. Preconditioning and Boundary Conditions SEMNI Spain
Tomasz Koziara Aspects of Computational Contacts Dynamics ACME UK
Niko Kristanic Limit State Design Using Exact Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization CEACM Central Europe
Dominik Meidner Adaptative Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Optimization Problems Governed by Nonlinear Parabolic Systems. GAMM Germany
Simon Tosserams Distributed Optimization for Systems Design. An Augmented Lagrangian Coordination Method NMC Netherlands
Dimitrios A. Tsouvalas Analysis of icrostructural Material using Mixed Adaptive finite Elements GRACM Greece
Niclas Wiker Optimization in Continuum Flow Plroblems NoACM North Europe