Last Call:

Call for Tenders for the Joint Organization of the


ECCOMAS and IACM have agreed to organize jointly the ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2020 and the 14th WORLD CONGRESS ON COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS.

The list of previous congresses of ECCOMAS and IACM is available on their respective websites.

  • A proposal can be submitted by any ECCOMAS group of organizers affiliated to one or more ECCOMAS member associations supporting the organization (in the following, the Congress Organizers).
  • The decision on the selection of the Congress Organizers will be jointly taken by ECCOMAS and IACM through an online voting process. The proposals will be reviewed by both the Managing Board of ECCOMAS and the Executive Council of IACM. Both bodies will debate the proposals and generate questions to the proposing organizers. No oral presentations of the proposals are planned.
  • ECCOMAS and IACM will jointly organize the congress and this must be clearly reflected in all the publicity, printed material, website, etc., as well as in the composition of the scientific committees.
  • ECCOMAS and IACM will decide on the same number of plenary and other invited speakers.
  • The Congress Organizers are responsible for the scientific and technical organization of the joint congress.
  • With respect to the financial part, IACM will follow the procedure initiated at the WCCM 2018 of sharing risks and profits after a negotiated agreement with the Congress Organizers (which is usually an ECCOMAS affiliated association or a junction of thereof) whereas ECCOMAS will continue with its tradition of asking for a flat fee from the congress budget.


All proposals must be submitted before March 21, 2016 , to the following e-mail address: .


The annex to this call details some points that should be taken into consideration when preparing the proposal.



Good practices for preparing the candidature!

Proposal requirements

The Congress Organizers should include the following information in their proposal:

  • Place and dates
  • Congress Chairperson(s)
  • Organizing Committee
  • Supporting Organizations
  • Scientific structure of the congress
  • Venue of Congress and facilities of the conference rooms (distance to main hotels, equipment, etc.)
  • Congress budget (including detailed registration fees)
  • Advantages to hold the Congress in the nominated location
  • Transportation and hotel facilities

Obviously, each proposal shall include any information that the prospective organizers understand may benefit the congress and the candidature.

The touristic information should be kept to a minimum.


The Congress Organizational Structure

The Managing Board of ECCOMAS and the Executive Council of IACM are in charge of the supervision of scientific and financial issues of the ECCOMAS & WCCM 2020 Congress. The Congress Organizers will deliver annual reports beginning three years to the congress on organizational aspects (including scientific and financial) to the Presidents of ECCOMAS and IACM.

Revision and Selection of the papers as well as the set-up of the technical program will be the responsibility of the Congress Organizers and the Scientific Committee.

The Congress Organizers are encouraged to invite distinguished organizations and institutions (local, regional and international) to participate and support the Congress at an institutional level.


The Congress Format

The Congress is expected to last five days, preferably from Monday to Friday. It is advised to allocate facilities in the same premises for registration the evening prior to the start of the Congress.

The opening ceremony should include the award ceremony for ECCOMAS and IACM.

Congress Organizers define the congress format. Notwithstanding they are encouraged to follow some general guidelines. Plenary Lectures will not be hosted in parallel and the number of the Semi-Plenary Lectures held in parallel will be reduced to a minimum, not exceeding more than four, so as to involve as many participants as possible in each session.

Selection of Plenary and Semi-Plenary speakers is done at least one year before the ECCOMAS & WCCM 2020 Congress. IACM, ECCOMAS, and the Congress Organizers each choose one third of Plenary and Semi-Plenary speakers from all over the world. This selection will aim to involve colleagues of international prestige and distinguished reputation in the field, as well as, gender and regional balance.

The Congress Organizers will formally invite the speakers for the Plenary and Semi-Plenary Lectures.

The Congress Organizers will identify potential organizers for the Minisymposia where an effort will be made to favor a widespread distribution of topics in computational science and engineering. In addition to the above-mentioned Minisymposia, Contributed Sessions will be hosted in order to encourage participation of a wider interested public.

The selection of papers for the Minisymposia will be the responsibility of Minisymposia Organizers, under the supervision of the Congress Organizers and the Scientific Committee. As mentioned before, papers submitted to the Contributed Sessions will be reviewed and selected by the Congress Organizers and the Scientific Committee. Other relevant scientists specialized in different fields can be invited to participate in the review process if appropriate.


The Congress Website

Congress Organizers will develop and maintain a Congress website for a period of two years prior to the Congress, which will, at a minimum, conform to the standards and content of the previous Congress websites. It is intended to be the main form of communication among prospective and confirmed attendees. The Website will – beside other possible signs, such as supportive organizations, etc. – contain, on a visible position, the logo of ECCOMAS and IACM, as well as the logo created exclusively for the Congress. These logos will appear on all electronic and printed material issued in connection to the Congress, such as brochures, posters, dissemination e-mails, abstract templates, Congress program, etc.

Furthermore, the ECCOMAS & WCCM 2020 Congress website will remain active for a minimum of ten years after the Congress at no costs for ECCOMAS and IACM. Nonetheless, ECCOMAS and IACM strongly encourage permanent activity of the website.



The participants are expected to cover the transportation and accommodation costs; nevertheless, the Congress Organizers are encouraged to search for any additional local, national and other sources in this respect. Each Congress attendee is expected to pay a registration fee to cover the costs of the Congress.

Students should be charged a lesser registration fee. Any action to encourage student participation will be welcome.

A reduced registration fee (–10 %) should be charged in the early registration to members of affiliated associations of ECCOMAS and IACM.

Registration fees for accompanying persons are expected to cover the majority of costs associated with any optional accompanying program.

The Congress Organizers will make arrangements to accept all major credit cards for Congress registration fee payment and other reasonable forms of payment. They will also provide the participants with useful and detailed information such as visa-related issues, local transportation hints or city attractiveness in the vicinity of the Congress, etc.



As indicated in the call: IACM will follow the procedure initiated at WCCM 2018 of sharing risks and profits after a negotiated agreement with the Congress Organizers (which is usually an affiliated ECCOMAS association or a junction of thereof) whereas ECCOMAS will continue with its tradition of asking for a flat fee from the congress budget.


After the Congress

In the six months following the Congress, a full financial report will be sent to ECCOMAS and IACM, as well as the final report – using a template provided by the ECCOMAS and IACM secretariat – containing information on the scientific developments discussed at the event, full congress statistics, list of attendees and any opinions or suggestions for the future.