Open Call 2018:
Rules for the Zienkiewicz and Lions Awards 2018
1) The Award Committee, which acts independently of the Managing Board, is formed by the seven recent medallists, the last Zienkiewicz and Lions awardees, four representatives of the Technical Committees and a representative of the Young Investigator Committee. These members are neither eligible for an award nor allowed to nominate candidates.
2) Eligibility. The candidates shall be scientists with outstanding contributions in the fields of ECCOMAS as follows:
Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz Award
for young scientists in the field of Computational Engineering Sciences
Jacques Louis Lions Award
for young scientists in the field of Computational Mathematics
3) The candidates for these ECCOMAS Awards should be individual Members of the affiliated Member Associations or could be any scientists working in Europe and who were born after January 1st , 1978 .
Candidates can be nominated by every individual member of ECCOMAS or by its member associations. Self-nominations are not admissible and the name of the nominator will not be visible during the selection process.
4) Deadline for receiving candidates for the Awards is February 19, 2018 .
5) Decisions on the ECCOMAS Awards will be taken by the Award Committee before April 8, 2018.
6) The 2018 Edition of the ECCOMAS Awards will be conferred at the ECCM-ECFD 2018 Conference that will take place in Glasgow, UK, on June 11 – 15, 2018.
7) At this first stage, nominations should only include the names and affiliations of the nominees and the name of the nominators. At a later stage nomination sheets will be asked for. The nominations should be sent to:
ECCOMAS Secretariat in Barcelona
Campus Nord UPC
Edifici C3 – Zona Comercial
Jordi Girona, 1-3 (08034)
Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 93 405 4696
Fax. +34 93 205 83 47