In its recent annual meeting, the General Assembly of ECCOMAS has elected Prof. Trond Kvamsdal as the new president of the association. Trond Kvamsdal is a Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and he also holds a part time Senior Scientist position in the Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics at SINTEF Digital. His position at NTNU is within computational mathematics – Main areas of research are Adaptive Finite Element Methods (AFEM), Isogeometric Analysis (IGA), Reduced Order Modeling (ROM), and Hybrid Analysis and Modeling (HAM) to enable predictive Digital Twins.

His accolades include the IACM Fellow Award (2010) and elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) since 2017. Trond has also been President of the Nordic Association of Computational Mechanics (NoACM) (2008-2018) and a member of the ECCOMAS Executive Board since 2013.

The presidency of Trond Kvamsdal will start in 2026. Until that time he will hold the position of president elect in the ECCOMAS Executive Committee.