We are pleased to announce that An ECCOMAS Advanced Online Course on Computational Structural Dynamics will be held on August 31 – September 4, 2020. The course is provided in the format of webinar.
The relevant details related to the course can be found in the following webpage: http://shortcourse2020.it.cas.cz
The short course An Advanced Course on Computational Structural Dynamics covers topics relating to modern and recent numerical methods in computational structural dynamics, finite element method in linear and nonlinear dynamic cases, signal theory, contact problems, modern methods for direct time integration and partitioned analysis, modal and spectral analysis, coupled problems (e.g. fluid-structure interaction, vibro-acoustic), reduced modelling in dynamics, structural system identification, uncertainty quantification, data-driven modelling and machine/deep learning, experiments in dynamics and many others. The depth focus is paid at the implementation aspects of presented methods and approaches.