New ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences – Open Call for 2019


Since 2003 – as well as the 2017 edition this year – ECCOMAS has been supporting the organization of a series of Thematic Conferences taking place on odd years (see ).

The ECCOMAS Managing Board has decided to launch the process for the organization of ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences in 2019.

This call refers to new Thematic Conferences. These are Thematic Conferences on new topics or Thematic Conferences which were not organized more than twice in a series before.

Proposals for such Thematic Conferences should be sent by the member associations or by individual members to the ECCOMAS Secretariat in Barcelona () any time before 15 March 2017.

Proposals must include the following information: title of conference, place and date, organizers, scope, scientific/technical areas covered, and number of participants expected.

The final approval of the proposed ECCOMAS Thematic Conference by the Managing Board will be made in May 2017.


Please note that the general aim of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences is to provide a forum for discussion of advances in specialized topics. Therefore it is recommended to limit the number of parallel sessions allowing as many participants as possible in each session.

ECCOMAS will support each thematic event by providing a “template” for the Announcement Brochure. Support will also be provided in the general dissemination of the conference via the regular ECCOMAS channels (web page, emails, dissemination at conferences, etc.). In the 2019 edition, the contribution to ECCOMAS by the approved Thematic Conferences is the following:

  • less than 100 participants: € 1,000;
  • between 100 and 200 participants: € 1,500;
  • more than 200 participants: € 2,500.

This contribution is not required for conferences without registration fees. The financial arrangements for each event are the responsibility of the conference organisers.

We would be grateful to you if you could disseminate this information among the members of your national or regional association.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,


Ekkehard Ramm                                                    Josef Eberhardsteiner
President of ECCOMAS                                       Secretary of ECCOMAS