Members Associations
Acronym | Association | Country | Website | Representative |
AIMETA/GIMC | AIMETA/Gruppo Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale | Italy | link | Walter d’Ambrogio, President |
APMTAC | Associação Portuguesa de Mecânica Teórica, Aplicada e Computacional | Portugal | link | José César de Sá, President |
BNCTAM | Belgian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Belgium | Jean-Philippe Ponthot, President | |
CEACM | Central European Association for Computational Mechanics | Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, The Czech Republic | link | Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, President |
CSMA | Computational Structural Mechanics Association | France | link | Julien Yvonnet, President |
ERCOFTAC | European Research Community on Flow Turbulence and Combustion | Belgium | link | Dominic von Terzi, President |
FMS | Finnish Mathematical Society | Finland | link | Tuomo Kuusi, President |
GACM | German Association of Computational Mechanics | Germany | link | Marek Behr, President |
GAMM | Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik | Germany | link | Jörg Schröder, President |
GAMNI/SMAI | Groupe pour l’Avancement des Méthodes Numériques de l’Ingénieur / Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles | France | link | Olivier Laffite, President |
GRACM | Greek Association for Computational Mechanics | Greece | link | Vissarion Papadopoulos, President |
IACMM | Israel Association for Computational Methods in Mechanics | Israel | link | Mahmood Jabareen, President |
NMC | Netherlands Mechanics Committee | The Netherlands | link | Ruud Henkes, President |
NOACM | Nordic Association for Computational Mechanics | Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Iceland | link | Mats G Larson, President |
ONIV | Association for Scientific and Engineering Computations | Russia | Boris Chetverushkin, President | |
PACM | Polish Association for Computational Mechanics | Poland | link | Jerzy Rojek, President |
SEMA | Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada | Spain | link | Manuel J. Castro, President |
SEMIC | Sociedad Española de Mecánica e Ingeniería Computacionales | Spain | link | Pedro Díez, President |
SIMAI | Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale | Italy | link | Luca Formaggia, President |
SSCM | Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics | Serbia | link | Milos Kojic, President |
SWICCOMAS | Swiss Consortium on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences | Switzerland | link | Eleni Chatzi, President |
TCNTAM | Turkish National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Turkey | Mehmet Omurtag, President | |
UKACM | UK Association for Computational Mechanics | UK | link | Jelena Ninic, President |