ECCOMAS Young Investigators Committee (EYIC)2025-01-28T10:23:54+01:00

General Information

Aims and Rules

ECCOMAS Young Investigators can be defined as young scientists (40 years old or younger) working in one of the ECCOMAS research fields. In the last years the number of young investigators working in computational methods in applied sciences has significantly increased. Therefore, the ECCOMAS Young Investigators Committee (EYIC) has been created in order to promote the main goals of ECCOMAS among young researchers, with special emphasis in encouraging activities of young ECCOMAS members. The EYIC also provides an incubator for new ideas, presents the interests of young researchers within the ECCOMAS community and aims to maintain a protective environment for young investigators. The EYIC is composed of members from each national and regional association and is led by two internally selected chairpersons.

The main tasks of the EYIC include:

  • To represent the interests of young investigators within ECCOMAS;
  • To disseminate information to young researchers, for example sharing info on open positions, available awards / opportunities / scholarships for young people, conferences / summer schools;
  • To promote and facilitate the creation, and the work, of “young” sections within national associations;
  • To promote the participation of young people at ECCOMAS initiatives and conferences, workshops and other events;
  • To support and advise the organisers of the upcoming YIC and the ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad;
  • To organise Young Investigators events and provide an incubator for new scientific formats at ECCOMAS events;
  • To provide content for the Young Investigators corner of the annual ECCOMAS newsletter; and
  • To provide general support and advice to ECCOMAS on digital platforms (for example, website, job database, social media).

Terms of nomination & rules:

  1. Age Requirement: Under 36. Members must be under 40 years old throughout their term.
  2. Nomination: Member associations are expected to nominate one EYIC member each.
  3. Term Duration: The duration of the term is generally four years with an extension of two years possible, at the discretion of the YIC committee. The maximum term limit is six years, always respecting rule 1.
  4. Co-Opted Members: One representative each from the organizers of the previous and upcoming YIC are included as co-opted members.
  5. Election of Chairpersons: The EYIC elects two chairpersons, respecting gender balance if possible, that must be ratified by the ECCOMAS Managing Board. The duration of the term is two years, and re-nomination is not possible. The election is expected to be held at the ECCOMAS congress.
  6. Core Group: The EYIC chairpersons define a core group of at least five members (including the chairpersons) whose term is associated with the chairpersons.
  7. PastChairpersons: Former chairpersons of the EYIC will have the opportunity to continue their involvement by serving as “Past Chairpersons” within the committee. Their role will be to provide guidance, support, and institutional knowledge to the current chairpersons and the committee as a whole. The past chairpersons will be available to assist when needed, offering their expertise and insights gained from their previous leadership experience.
  8. Adjustments for Scheduling Conflicts: In the event that the timing of the Chairpersons and Core Group member term presents a scheduling conflict for members, the term duration may be adjusted to accommodate scheduling conflicts. The adjusted term must not exceed the maximum term limit as stated in Rule 3. Such adjustments will be made at the discretion of the EYIC committee.
  9. Overlap: The terms of members representing a society must overlap partially to ensure continuity and a smooth transition, if possible by six months. This means that before a member leaves the group, their respective society must have nominated a replacement and that replacement must attend at least two meetings with the outgoing member to ensure a smooth transition of knowledge and responsibilities. This ensures that the incoming member is well-prepared to assume their duties and responsibilities within the group. During the overlap, each organization will continue to have only one vote. The voting right is held by the outgoing EYIC member.

Update: July 2023


Member Association
AIMETA, Italy Antonio Maria D’Altri
University of Bologna, Italy
APMTAC, Portugal Carolina Furtado
University of Porto
BNCTAM, Belgium Eduardo Fernandez Sanchez
University of Liege, Belgium
CEACM, Central Europe Fabian Key
TU Vienna
CSMA, France Christophe Hoareau
CNAM, France
Politecnico di Milano
FMS, Finland Vilho Halonen
University of Jyväskylä
GACM, Germany Renate Sachse
TUM, Germany
GAMM, Germany Sonja Hellebrand
Uni DUE, Germany
GRACM, Greece Ioannis Kalogeris
National Technical University of Athens
IACMM, Israel
NMC, The Netherlands Laura Scarabosio
Radboud University
NOACM, Northern Europe Øystein Andersson Klemetsdal
SINTEF Digital, Mathematics & Cybernetics, Oslo
ONIV, Russia
PACM, Poland Paulina Stempin
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
SEMA, Spain Celia Caballero Cárdenas
University of Malaga, Spain
SEMNI, Spain Beatriz Moya García
École nationale supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, France
SIMAI, Italy Ivan Fumagalli
Polimi, Italy
SSCM, Serbia Aleksandra Vulovic
University of Kragujevac
SWICCOMAS, Switzerland David S. Kammer
ETH Zurich
TNCTAM, Turkey
UKACM, United Kingdom Wei Tan
YIC25 co-opted Rosaria Del Toro
University of Chieti Pescara, Italy
(*) Co-opted membership in his/her function as ECCOMAS YIC conference organizer
(**) Regular membership and at the same time ECCOMAS YIC conference organizer

Success Stories

The ECCOMAS Young Investigators Committee (EYIC) has successfully carried out the following new activities over the last years:

  • 2023: 7th ECCOMAS Young investigators Congress in Porto, Portugal (
  • 2022: Represented with all EYIC activities at the 8th ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2022 in Oslo, Norway
  • 2021: Virtual 6th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference in Valencia (
  • 2021: New EYIC activities established at the 14th Virtual Congress WCCM & ECCOMAS 2020 in January 2021 Paris (online)
  • 2019: Conception and implementation of the ECCOMAS Job Database
  • 2018: Science Slam at ECCM-ECFD-Conference 2018 (Glasgow, U.K.)
  • 2018: Young Investigator Minisymposium at ECCM-ECFD-Conference 2018 (Glasgow, U.K.)
  • 2017: Conception and implementation of the ECCOMAS Facebook Group
  • 2016: Young Investigator Minisymposium at ECCOMAS Congress 2016 (Crete, Greece)

EYIC activities at 8th ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2022 in Oslo, Norway:

  • EYIC Career Forum
  • EYIC Arts and Science Contest
  • EYIC Junior Workshop
  • ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad
  • ECCOMAS Young Investigators Minisymposium
  • EYIC Pub Crawl

EYIC activities at 14th Virtual Congress WCCM & ECCOMAS 2020 in January 2021:

  • EYIC Young Investigator Minisymposium
  • EYIC Career Forum
  • EYIC Ph.D. Olympiads
  • EYIC & CSMAjuniors Junior Workshop – two days junior workshop with short courses, special sessions, and a 24h hackathon
  • EYIC Arts and Science Contest and virtual exhibition

Related Activities

8th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference and PhD Olympiad 2025

8th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference and PhD Olympiad 2025

September 17th to 19th, 2025.

Pescara (Italy) will host next  8th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference and PhD Olympiad 2025!

The Department of Engineering and Geology at the University ‘G. d’Annunzio’ of Chieti-Pescara is delighted to announce the organization of the event, which will take place from September 17th to 19th, 2025.

Local Organizing committee:
•    Rosaria Del Toro (Conference Chair)
•    Maria Laura De Bellis (Conference Co-Chair)
•    Cristina Falcinelli
•    Luca Parente
•    Francesco Potenza
•    Valentino Sangiorgio

We look forward to seeing you in Pescara, September 17-19 2025.  Save the date!!


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15th ECCOMAS Olympiad

The Fifteenth ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad will take place in 2025, organized in organized in the Department of Engineering and Geology at the University ‘G. d’Annunzio’ of Chieti-Pescara to be held in Pescara, on 3-7 June 2024.


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