
The ECCOMAS Job Database has been created in 2019 as an initiative of the ECCOMAS Young Investigators Committee. It primarily aims at providing a platform for academic job postings (faculty, postdoc and PhD student positions) in the broad fields of interest of ECCOMAS, i.e. computational methods in applied sciences and technology. However, postings of open calls for academic awards, fellowships and research grants as well as selected industry positions (with ECCOMAS partner companies) are also very welcome. This guarantees maximum outreach of the posted job openings across all of Europe through the unique network of ECCOMAS with its more than 20 national and regional member associations.

To submit a job opening to our database, you must be a registered member of one of the ECCOMAS Member Associations and have a valid ECCOMAS login (username and password). This login can easily be obtained before the submission of your first job opening: just write a short e-mail to the ECCOMAS Secretariat in which you provide sufficient information regarding your ECCOMAS affiliation (i.e. name of your national / regional association and your membership number). Your posting will be published as soon as possible after our administrators have verified your data.

>> Please click here to submit a new job opening (registered users only) <<

Current Job Postings: